Dental Emergencies
Are you in need of dental emergencies service? You can call our office at (262) 654-4340 and we would be happy to assist you. Here at SPS Dental, we know that an emergency situation can shut life down, and getting that emergency treated with professional care is a top priority.
If there is any case of periodontal or wisdom tooth origins causing swelling and discomfort, a dental emergency is a strong possibility. We have been the dental emergency professionals in Kenosha for generations.
If you receive our voicemail when calling in, there will also be an option to transfer to Dr. Perri or Dr. Santarelli’s cell phone. (Press 1 to leave a message with the office, 2 to reach Dr. Santarelli, or 3 to reach Dr. Perri.) Don’t sit through the pain! Call us immediately and we will do everything we can to get you in ASAP.